How Manufacturers Benefit from Inventory Barcode Software

May 8th 2018 15:00:00 PM

You may think that only distributors or retailers need inventory barcode software. However, manufacturing automation software can help you save time and improve accuracy throughout the manufacturing process.

Inventory Barcode Software on the Shop Floor

Online sales have put pressure on manufacturers to increase volume in order to compete with more manufacturers worldwide. To effectively compete, you need speed, volume, and accuracy in your orders. A system that allows for flexibility at the lowest possible cost is ideal.

The work order process needs to be streamlined so that you spend more time manufacturing and less time shuffling paperwork. Direct-to-consumer sales, the number of custom orders in your system, and small production runs are now commonplace. This means you’re entering in a large amount of different work orders, and if you run a make-to-order (MTO) shop, each of your sales orders is likely to have a long list of line items.

Manufacturing automation tools such as Scanco Manufacturing Efficiency with inventory barcode scanners enable you to automate work order creation straight from your sales orders with the automation software. You can then update work order progress in real time using your barcode scanners.

Scanning takes approximately 1/6th the time it takes to manually enter information. The time saved by adding barcode scanners and inventory barcode software to the shop floor enables you to ship orders faster, improve customer satisfaction, and complete more jobs in less time.

Scanco Inventory Barcode Software: Saves Time

For nearly 30 years, Scanco has helped manufacturers work faster and with greater levels of efficiency, by providing easy-to-use, affordable inventory barcoding software that increases accuracy across the organization. Small manufacturers are usually surprised to discover how much faster their businesses run when they use inventory barcoding software on their shop floor.

We invite you to contact Scanco online or at (330) 645-9959 to speak with one of our manufacturing experts to learn.



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