March 5th 2025 10:26:27 AM
Lose the headache associated with physical counts!
August 19th 2020 14:40:49 PM
It’s no secret, physical counts or cycle counts can be a daunting task. Manual physical counts can be very time consuming and tend to yield a lot of errors. Historically, these counts take place once a year while consuming a lot of resources. Typically conducted with pen and paper.
Now that we identified the “pain” associated with counts, let’s take a look at some of the ways to make counts easy.
Replace your annual cycle count by implementing easy-to-use technology by counting your inventory on a regular basis (either daily or weekly).
Reduce physical inventory expenses (including leasing additional space and paying overtime wages) by implementing an automated cycle counting program.
Replace your time-consuming annual physical inventory counting process with cycle counting. Take control of your warehouse by counting a small number of items each day.
These are just a few ways to take the pain out of cycle counts. Want to learn more? We will be hosting a webinar on 4/30/20 to discuss these topics and many more. Learn more here >