Improve Inventory Accuracy with Acumatica WMS

February 7th 2019 16:00:00 PM

Improve Inventory Accuracy with Acumatica WMSDid you know that Acumatica WMS can help you improve inventory accuracy?

The inventory in your warehouse represents one of your company’s greatest assets. As your accountant, CPA, or bookkeeper prepares for tax season, improved inventory accuracy is one of the best steps you can take to ensure that the assets listed on your balance sheet reflect the true value of your company.

Acumatica WMS – Integrated Supply Chain Management

Acumatica WMS represents a forward step in integrated supply chain management. With Acumatica WMS, you can maintain tight control over your inventory and improve the accuracy of all inventory counts. It includes an easy-to-use interface and mobile technology so you can move freely around the warehouse without carrying cumbersome equipment. 

Several features help improve inventory accuracy. For example, Acumatica WMS includes, as a standard feature, physical count by item and bin, as well as inventory transfer by warehouse and bin. If you’re taking inventory while your company is open for business, the inventory transfer by warehouse and bin provides a great time-saving feature that helps you keep track of the inventory, no matter where it’s moving in the warehouse. This prevents double counting or missed counts. 

If you struggle to maintain inventory accuracy, the combination of Acumatica WMS and Acumatica ERP can’t be beat. Acumatica WMS integrates easily with Acumatica ERP, too. When it comes time for tax season or running end-of-year balance sheets, your accountant is going to love Acumatica WMS. It makes counting that all important asset, your company’s inventory, a breeze. 

For more information about Acumatica WMS, visit Scanco. We offer solutions to manage manufacturing inventory, warehouse, and supply chain, as well as barcoding solutions and more. Contact Scanco online or call (330) 645-9959

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