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What is the difference between Warehouse Automation and Warehouse Management?
July 27th 2017 11:00:56 AM
You say tomato, I say tom-ah-to.
Some would say that automation and management mean the same thing. We beg to differ. Warehouse automation and warehouse management are very different. One is all about expediting and the other is about controlling the operation.
Are you needing automation tools right away? Contact Contact Scanco online or call us directly at 1-877-SCANCO-1 to find out how your warehouse can operate with integrated automation tools that are easy to use and simple to implement.
Warehouse automation increases quantity and speed
Warehouse automation, simply put, is replacing manual processes with automated, high-level solutions. These automation tools are designed to maximize efficiency, increase quantity, and eliminate waste. Barcoding tools and software, RFID, and voice-activated picking solutions all fall under the category of warehouse automation technology. These automation tools are created to do one thing; eliminate manual processes. When incorporated with a warehouse management or ERP solution, warehouse automation tools can provide companies with the visibility they need in the warehouse to fulfill orders with ease.
Warehouse management runs the operation
Everything involved in running your warehouse operation is called warehouse management. Picking/packing, inventory management and control, shipping, reporting, vendor relationships, etc. are all part of managing the warehouse. More than streamlining your processes and improving efficiency, warehouse management tools help you control your entire operation—from bottom to top. Full warehouse management solutions include warehouse automation but are not limited to the technology.
Warehouse management technology can manage the entire warehouse operation while warehouse automation tools are designed to streamline certain processes involved in the operation and support warehouse management technology. A good warehouse operation cannot have one without the other.