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3 Ways to Increase Supply Chain Visibility with Warehouse Tracking Software – Part 1: NFC Technology
May 29th 2018 15:00:00 PM
As we all know, an effective track and trace system is critical for supply chain management activities, but with the increased pace of recalls and reporting that today’s busy distributors have to deal with, it’s now more important than ever for your warehouse to have accurate information available at all times.
If you’ve been struggling to keep up with your track and trace requirements, or if you find it difficult to locate items in your warehouse, you’ll be glad to hear that you now have a wider range of options for warehouse tracking software. Even better news? All the tracking options listed in this series are easy to use and affordable. (Hooray!)
Get personalized advice or hear about all 3 options right now, when you contact Scanco online or at (330) 645-9959.
In the first part of this series on warehouse tracking software, we’ll discuss the newest option to hit the market: NFC technology. Later in the series, we’ll cover RFID and barcoding in depth, so you understand all your options fully.
NFC Technology
NFC, or “near field communication” is a cutting-edge technology that has only recently begun to be deployed as a warehouse tracking software solution, but it’s already making big waves in the logistics industry. It provides a convenient, simple-to-use option for warehouses wanting to speed up counting activities and cut down on long-term costs.
- What Is It?
You’ve probably already seen “tap & go” NFC technology in action on your credit card, mobile phone, or badge reader, because this convenient tech is starting to gain popularity. When we say “tap & go,” we’re being literal.
In the consumer world, purchasers use NFC technology to pay for purchases by simply tapping their phone or credit card on an NFC-enabled POS screen at checkout. This “tap & go” tech can also empower you to ease warehouse tracking activities by having your employees first “tap” a mobile phone on a small NFC button or tag located on each bin, then read or enter relevant data (such as up-to-date counts) using the phone. When properly set up, this updated data will automatically flow back into your ERP, which saves you time.
- How Does It Work?
With NFC, two small chips enabled with NFC transmitters and readers will communicate real-time data back and forth over a very short distance (up to 5 cm, to be exact). This short distance is meant to increase security, but we do admit that it’s not quite as convenient and fast as RFID, which doesn’t require you to be so darn close. However, NFC does offer benefits over RFID.
- Why Are Warehouses Choosing It?
NFC promises to provide distributors with increased flexibility in the long-run because the technology can be read and transmitted by standard mobile phones—no added hardware required. That’s right: your phone is already an NFC-enabled device right now.
In addition, NFC buttons or tags are reusable and can be reprogrammed with virtually any data. Compare that to barcode labels and RFID tags, which only offer one-time usage, and you’ll quickly understand how your savings can add up with NFC.
Get Expert Advice Before You Select Your Warehouse Tracking Software
Nearly 30 years ago, Scanco understood the potential of barcode scanning technology in the warehouse and we set out to create an easy-to-use solution that could save distributors time on inventory management by integrating their software directly with their ERP.
At the time, both barcodes and ERP were cutting-edge technology, so this was even more impressive than it sounds now.
Over the years, both barcodes and ERP have proven themselves to be indispensable for busy warehouse managers, but the Scanco team has continued to search for the best, most useful, and most affordable solutions for clients. Because of this continued dedication, Scanco is now one of the leading experts on warehouse tracking software for Sage 100/100—and we’re happy to help you understand the pros and cons of every option you have.
No matter where you are in your search for warehouse tracking software, call on Scanco to get expert advice that’ll help you make the right choice for your needs.
Contact Scanco online or at (330) 645-9959 if you’re ready to find out more about your options for track and trace in your warehouse—or if you can’t wait until the next post to learn more!
Check out the rest of the series to learn more about your other top options for track and trace activities with warehouse tracking software. Next up, we’ll be explaining RFID in depth.