Achieving Warehouse Success with Sage 100 Mobile Apps

July 3rd 2018 15:00:00 PM

Remember when you first implemented Sage 100 / Sage 100? Like most distributors using the system, you probably debated for a long time about your options, the costs, and whether it was really worth it to connect your front office to your warehouse and shop floor. Then, after you made your decision and got up and running with your new ERP, you saw how much time the new system saved you and how much business growth was suddenly available to you.

That was a long time ago.

If you’re ready to move on to your next evolution in the warehouse, Sage 100 mobile apps can help get you to where you want to be quickly and easily. Contact Scanco online or at (330) 645-9959 to learn more.

Here are three ways you can improve your business success using the new mobile Sage 100 / Sage 100 app.

Update Your Picking Systems

We don’t have to tell you that paper-based picking is a drag on your time and efficiency. If you’re still using these systems in your warehouse, you already know how much of a burden they are. Not only does manual entry result in costly errors, those paper pick sheets cost a small fortune in paper and printing and they slow down your picking process as well.

A Sage 100 mobile app, such as Sage Mobility, syncs automatically with your ERP and the cloud, helping you save on paper costs while you eliminate manual entry entirely. This combination increases both your accuracy and your speed—thereby increasing your customer satisfaction and business revenues.

Switch to Real Time

One of the reasons that paper is so slow is because manual entry practices leave your inventory constantly out-of-date and your picking a step behind your fickle customers. Out-of-date inventory counts may not be a huge deal to you if you consistently overstock your shelves, but it becomes a problem when you’re running a JIT operation, or if you have multiple locations and a long supply chain.

Today’s leading mobile apps integrate seamlessly with your ERP in real time, keeping your inventory counts always up to date. This helps reduce counting time, helps ensure accurate picks that perfectly match to customer orders, and can also increase customer satisfaction because your customers will know that you can be trusted to have the stock on hand that you say you do.

Open Up your Possibilities

We’re going to address the elephant in the room here: you’re busy right now, you’ll be busier in a few months when the holiday season begins, and you don’t think you have the time to research, find, and implement a new system. This may be the case but, before you write off a warehouse evolution entirely, you may want to consider the time savings that you’ll get when you do finally make the plunge.

After all:

  • Today’s mobile warehouse tools run on the cloud and can be implemented within a matter of minutes
  • Smartphone-based warehouse apps decrease training time significantly and also reduce wander time, even for your newest employees
  • Mobile tools can entice Millennial employees who love using phones to do everything

In short, mobile apps that integrate with Sage 100 / Sage 100 could resolve your hiring troubles, make training and onboarding a breeze, and increase your pick-and-pack speed.

And you can get your entire new system up and running seamlessly faster than you ever imagined possible.

Get in Touch with the Sage 100 Mobile Barcoding Tech Experts to Learn More

For nearly 30 years, Scanco has been delivering efficient, effective barcoding and tech tools to distributors and manufacturers running Sage ERP solutions. In fact, if you’ve been looking into Sage’s newest warehouse efficiency solution, Sage Mobility for Barcode, we’re proud to say we invented that.

Since we know the system inside and out, we can implement it fast and we can implement it right. And once you have your Sage Mobility solution in place, your warehouse will run like never before. 

Contact Scanco to learn more about how innovative cloud-based Sage 100 mobile apps can help your busy warehouse increase efficiency the easy way. Get in touch with one of our warehouse software experts today either online or by phone at (330) 645-9959.



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