Integrated Sage 100 Warehouse Management Pays Off

May 26th 2016 15:00:33 PM

Investing in technology and business solutions is something few companies wish to do. New warehouse automation systems often mean upfront implementation costs, training and support. However, your investment in these systems will pay for itself in terms of accurate, timely data that can be used to improve operations and decision making.

Better Data, Better Decisions = Higher Profits

What could your company do with better inventory data? That’s the question many manufacturers and distributors are asking themselves this year as they consider investing in integrated warehouse management solutions that will help each of their business areas work together efficiently.

The ever-increasing competition among global manufacturers and distributors has caused a revolution in how information is used in the industry. Today, manufacturers must provide quality goods at the lowest costs just as they did yesterday. But in order to achieve this objective, they must have accurate, timely data, and an easy way to get it. This improved business intelligence enables companies to make better decisions and improve the bottom line.

The Ramifications of Unsolved Product Integration Challenge

Unsolved system integration challenges pose many risks for manufacturers and distributors. Mistakes in data entry (and re-entry), for example, can lead to incorrect data. This data, if used to make decisions, can lead companies into poor decision-making that can negatively impact profits. Beyond poor decision making, every time data is re-entered into the system, it costs more money that could be much more useful invested elsewhere.

Integrated Systems That Work Improve Decision Making.

Today manufacturers and distributors are placing a priority on system integration so that they can gain a comprehensive, single view of the entire business. Although such investments may be substantial, they do pay off. Businesses who invest in systems integration see improvements as a result of the investment. Clearly, when product integration is comprehensive and accurate, it offers useful information that can improve business.

Although such investments may be substantial, they do pay off. When system integration is comprehensive and accurate, it offers useful information that can improve business. With Sage 100 and your warehouse management system integration challenges solved, your company will have access to instantaneous and accurate data from myriad systems. It’s systems integration that pays off.

Scanco offers warehouse automation tools for data collection with real-time, seamless integration to Sage 100 and Sage 500 ERP software. If you are looking to invest in your warehouse, contact us.


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