Let Automated Inventory Programs Lead the Way in Attracting and Protecting Warehouse Talent

November 19th 2019 16:00:00 PM

With US unemployment rates at historically low rates (3.5 percent in September 2019), many businesses continue to struggle with attracting and retaining warehouse workers. Some jobseekers may be reluctant to apply for available positions in warehouses and distribution centers due to concerns about risks of on-the-job injuries. Show potential hires your company is proactive about embracing modern inventory programs and other technology to keep operations running efficiently and reducing risks of workplace hazards of all types.

Are you ready to add automated inventory programs to your business? Is it time to update your existing ones? Contact us online or call (330) 645-9959 to schedule an appointment with a Scanco Solutions Expert.

Job Interviews Are a Two-way Conversation

In the past, a job interview was more of a one-way discussion. The employer had the advantage, since it had the job opening to be filled. The candidate was trying to prove whether he was the right person to fill the job opening.

Job seekers may feel they have more options available to them now that the unemployment rate has dropped. Candidates may feel more comfortable asking questions to find out whether a job or an employer is a good fit for them and their career plans. As an employer, it’s important to be honest about what the job entails, including any potential hazards.

The candidate may have questions about whether they would be putting themselves at risk from repeatedly bending, lifting, or twisting. These types of activities may cause short-term injuries to muscles, tendons, and nerves. Ensure that you have proper training programs in place to teach employees about correct techniques for handling and lifting items in the warehouse. Emphasize the importance of proper footwear and taking scheduled rest periods to break up the day and reduce the number of work-related incidents.

Talk About Your Automated Inventory Programs With Job Candidates

Your inventory programs can be a feature that will help you attract qualified candidates for available warehouse positions. Tell candidates during the interview about the environment they will be working in if they are hired.

Paper counting, entering notes on spreadsheets for data entry is not a fast or accurate way to keep track of items on shelves or in bins. There are too many opportunities for human error in this type of system. Automated inventory programs can be used with a number of hardware options to scan barcodes, making your cycle counting a much quicker and easier process.

With this task taking less time, your employees could potentially be freed up for more interesting work. Depending on your company’s needs, they could take on other roles, such as choosing picking sequences, releasing orders or focusing on items requiring special handling.

Scanco’s Inventory Programs Are Just the Right Fit for Your Business

Scanco doesn’t believe in taking a cookie-cutter approach to working with our customers. We understand no two businesses are exactly alike and we offer solutions that will work well for small, medium, and large businesses alike. Whether you are currently concerned about improving your on-time shipment performance, your inventory counting period, or you are experiencing significant losses due to inefficiencies, Scanco has effective solutions that can help.

Our inventory programs can also be a factor in attracting new hires and retaining talent on your team. Find out more about how Scanco can help your business stay competitive by contacting us online or call (330) 645-9959 to set up a consultation with a Scanco Solutions Expert.


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