Production Management Plus (PM+) –Make to Order is Just the Beginning

September 8th 2021 20:14:26 PM

Several years ago, Sage engaged Scanco to develop a product to modernize Work Order. While never intended to replace Work Order, Production Management has become the default alternative to those Sage customers looking to modernize their Sage platform. Since its release in May of 2019, nearly 600 Sage customers have successfully converted to the new solution.

From the start, our agreement with Sage was that they would define the functionality, and Scanco would develop the product with a gradual transition of Sage taking ownership of the support and code from Scanco. That transition is upon us. Sage has taken over supporting the product and soon will have full ownership and control over the code.

While Scanco delivered the solution that was requested, there were lots of features and functionality that Sage elected to leave out due to time constraints and costs. Many Work Order customers need a higher level of sophistication that the first version of PM simply was never intended to bring. Additionally, there are several significant 3rd party enhancements delivered for Work Order customers by Scanco and others that do not yet exist in the PM ecosystem.

As a solution for this, Scanco is pleased to announce that PM+ is here! It is our intent to help fill the gap between Sage Work Order and Production Management and Operations Management.

PM+Our initial version will include Make to Order functionality. It will be offered with SaaS pricing to make it easier for you to add these new features at a reasonable cost. Future releases will add even more features from some of our popular advanced manufacturer product suites like Manufacturing Efficiency and new functionality that leverage modern toolsets.

Another great benefit of PM+ is direct Scanco support. While you will always have support for PM through Sage and your Sage Partner, with PM+ you can come to Scanco for help for Work Order conversion, go-live implementation planning, and troubleshooting. As the developer of Production Management, Scanco recognizes that we are the only 3rd party who can help you adapt to and better use Production Management. Why would you go to anyone other than the original source to enhance your Production Management application? Now you can come to us directly with your PM+ subscription.

 Ready to Learn More?

Join us for a Production Management Plus webinar on September 23, 2021 or contact


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