The Scanco Difference: Why We Do What We Do

July 18th 2014 17:36:59 PM

Here at Scanco, we do software differently. For the past 20 years, we’ve observed warehouse management technology trends, seen what’s worked and what hasn’t, and adopted our own unique approach to warehouse management technology and software. We believe that in order to get the results you want, the software you purchase needs to be uniquely you. It needs to be intuitive to your needs, flexible enough to fit your organization’s current processes, and innovative enough to make a difference in your warehouse management efforts.

That’s why all of our products are designed with one thought in mind: how will this best help the end-user? After all, you’re the reason we’ve created the software. If it doesn’t help you, than what’s the point?

Before we even begin to sit down and develop new warehouse management applications, we make a list of the most common problems our clients are experiencing and determine the best solution to fix the problem. Sometimes this involves creating an entirely new application (much like our Sage 100 mobile solution Scanco Counts) or it adding on to an existing solution. Because we have an eye on technology trends and observe how our customers are using technology, we have shifted to a more mobile warehouse management approach. This has provided our customers with increased flexibility, allowing them to access important data and information anywhere at any time.

We’ve reimagined warehouse and inventory management and turned it into what it always should have been: about you. Our products don’t happen by accident. A lot of work, effort and forethought is put into each and every one of our Sage 100 mobile solutions. If you don’t believe us, just see for yourself. Contact one of our warehouse management experts for a product demonstration today. We promise, you won’t want to go back to the way you’ve always done things.


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