Why Inventory ERP Software Is a Must for the New Decade

December 5th 2019 16:00:00 PM

Once considered “nice to have,” inventory ERP software is now considered a “must have.” Why? Because if you want to remain competitive, you need the powerful data and analytics capacity that inventory ERP software adds to your business. Here are three reasons why inventory ERP software has become an essential business software package for successful companies.

Three Great Reasons to Add Inventory ERP Software


  1. Real-time data means better decision-making: Real-time inventory data means you’re never guessing about stock levels. Data from warehouse software can automatically update inventory levels within the ERP so anyone within your company looking up information can provide accurate updates to customers or staff. Cloud-based ERP ensures information flows seamlessly from warehouse locations throughout the company. It enhances decision-making in every area.
  2. Improves efficiency: There’s no more guesswork or scouring the warehouse for that one item the customer absolutely must have; all the information you need is in the system. Inventory counts are kept updated throughout the year through the use of handheld barcode scanners. While you may still want to conduct a thorough inventory periodically, you probably won’t need to shut down your entire operation for the duration of the inventory.
  3. Saves money: When inventory data is out of sync with the main systems, it’s easy to over- or under-order products. Instead of wasting money on inventory that’s not needed for customer orders, you can keep inventory levels lean. This saves a great deal of money.

There are several excellent software packages to help you achieve your goals for the new decade.

  • Scanco Warehouse 100 automates warehouse transactions. It runs on iOS, Android, and Windows mobile devices.
  • Scanco Warehouse Management gives you the advanced tracking and syncing features you need for all your inventory, picking, shipping, and management needs in one package.

For more information, contact us online or call (330) 645-9959 to speak with a Scanco representative.


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