Hot Fixes 3 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2021.2 ( Hot Fixes 3 | Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 3 | Sage Production Management 2021.2 ( Hot Fixes 3
| Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 4 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2020.4 ( Hot Fixes 4
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 4 | Sage Production Management 2020.4 ( Hot Fixes 4
| Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 2 | Sage Production Management 2021.1 ( Hot Fixes 2
| Sage Production Management | 2021.1 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-1-version-7-00-1-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 3 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2020.3 ( Hot Fixes 3
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.3 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-3-version-6-20-3-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 2 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2021.1 ( Hot Fixes 2
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.1 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-1-version-7-00-1-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 3 | Sage Production Management 2020.3 ( Hot Fixes 3
| Sage Production Management | 2020.3 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-3-version-6-20-3-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 3 | Sage Production Management 2019.5 ( Hot Fixes 3
| Sage Production Management | 2019.5 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-5-version-6-10-5-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 1 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2021.0 ( Hot Fixes 1
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.0 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-0-version-7-00-0-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 1 | Sage Production Management 2021.0 ( Hot Fixes 1
| Sage Production Management | 2021.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-0-version-7-00-0-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 2 | Sage Production Management with Scanco Multi-Bin 2020.2 ( Hot Fixes 2
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-2-version-6-20-2-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 2 | Sage Production Management 2020.2 ( Hot Fixes 2
| Sage Production Management | 2020.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-2-version-6-20-2-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 2 | Sage Production Management 2019.5 ( Hot Fixes 2
| Sage Production Management | 2019.5 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-5-version-6-10-5-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 1 | Sage Production Management 2020.1 ( Hot Fixes 1
| Sage Production Management | 2020.1 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-1-version-6-20-1-0-0 |
Hot Fixes 1 | Sage Production Management 2019.4 ( Hot Fixes 1
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18549 | Sage 100 2020 1099 Printing Scanco Program Fix JT6000-T
| Mobility for Sage Production Management, Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | mobility-for-sage-production-management sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
21428 | Work Ticket Transaction Register: Work Ticket Transaction Register hangs when more than 2 completions exist for the same work ticket and that work ticket is linked to another work ticket *Includes 20365, 20760 and 21413
| Sage Production Management | 2021 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
21413 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard or lower of budget/actual for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20365, 20760 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2021 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
20760 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Incorrect unit and extended cost is posted to various inventory files when a completion and closing are updated for the same work ticket containing a Lot/Serial parent item with a portion of the quantity going to a sub warehouse *Includes 20365, 21413 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2021 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
20365 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20760, 21413 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2021 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2021-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
21428 | Work Ticket Transaction Register: Work Ticket Transaction Register hangs when more than 2 completions exist for the same work ticket and that work ticket is linked to another work ticket *Includes 20365, 20760 and 21413
| Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
21413 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard or lower of budget/actual for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20365, 20760 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
20760 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Incorrect unit and extended cost is posted to various inventory files when a completion and closing are updated for the same work ticket containing a Lot/Serial parent item with a portion of the quantity going to a sub warehouse *Includes 20365, 21413 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
20365 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20760, 21413 and 21428
| Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
19287 | Manual Check and Payment Register: Error 0 SY_ReportCommon.pvc Line 1835 when updating and Hot Fix 1 is installed
| Sage Production Management | 2020.1 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-1-version-6-20-1-0-0 |
18911 | Item Maintenance: Radio button labels on the Orders tab display incorrectly in the order of Work Ticket, Sales Order, Work Order when Classic is assigned to the Theme Code field in Company Maintenance or User Maintenance for the active company or user.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18863 | Work Ticket Inquiry: Manually assigned materials budget values are not displaying correctly in Work Ticket Inquiry.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18734 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Released make for sales order work tickets are excluded from the report after an associated sales order has been fully invoiced and completed.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18546 | Back Order Fill Report: Data does not display on the report when processed from the Daily Receipt Register/Update and a work ticket step contains a production start date.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18802 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: IM warehouse segment substitution should not be occurring on WIP account for completion transactions when a materials transaction is included in the update. Occurs when hot fix 17608 is installed
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18745 | Work Ticket Entry: The ReceiptNo and GroupSort fields in IM_ItemCost are updated with a value that is 1 character too big for the fields when issuing a negative FIFO/LIFO material to a work ticket
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18659 | VI Programs updated to current release level *Includes 18711 and 18659
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18711 | Import Job Maintenance: Resolve compatibility issue with Import Job when DSD Multi-Bin enhancement is installed *Includes 18711 and 18659
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18702 | Import Job Maintenance: Error 80 JT_Template_bus.pvc Line 502 when importing activity code and work centers into existing templates
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17585 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Warehouse field now properly disabled on the Lines tab in Completion transaction.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18304 | Daily Transaction Register: Work Ticket Number is not included in the comment for JM, JL, and JN Transaction Register sources on the Daily Transaction Register *Includes 18304 and 18371
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18371 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: IM_ItemWarehouse Cost/Qty Calc Commit fields are not cleared for parent items being added to inventory *Includes 18304 and 18371
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17192 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Material Backflush quantity incorrectly calculated when using large quantity numbers due to rounding of Qty Planned to Qty Completed ratio *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
15838 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent lot/serial distribution record from being entered when the Scrap check box is set to Yes. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
16436 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Enable the Quantity/Issued field for serial and lot item in completion and materials transactions. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17429 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Material Issue Step number is required when selecting item with an extended item description from a work ticket *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18393 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent a positive issue to a serial or lot number with a quantity on hand of zero and a committed qty greater than one. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18499 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent a negative Distribute quantity in the Lot/Serial Number Distribution window when the Issued field on the Lines tab is assigned a positive value. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18500 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent more than one negative issue to be assigned to a single serial number. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17316 | Work Ticket Entry Header: Focus is automatically moving to the Steps tab after selecting Make for Sales Order, sales order number and sales order item.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18245 | Open/History Work Ticket Report: Due Date and Release Date sort options sorts by day only and not full date.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18461 | Work Ticket Entry: De-issuing a lot/serial item is not creating the dynamic inventory transaction when hot fixes 18205 and 18340 are installed. *Includes 18244 & 18461
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18244 | Work Ticket Entry: Error 40 JT_WorkTicketDetail_bus.pvc line 2343 occurs when copying from an open or closed work ticket with a zero quantity planned. *Includes 18244 & 18461
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18128 | Convert Work Order Data: Labor hours incorrect when Standard Run Type is Operations per Hour, Operations/Hour is greater than 100, Parent Item Type is Operations/Parent, and Factor is 1. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17507 | Convert Work Order Data: Work Order transaction number is written to AP Invoice No field for converted Work Order outside processing transactions. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
16857 | Convert Work Order Data: Records for closed work orders are converted to Production Management tables JT_WorkTicketStep, JT_TransactionHistory, JT_WorkTicketText. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
16847 | Purchase Order Entry: Can link miscellaneous item without an inventory account resulting in out of balance posting in the Daily Materials Usage Register/Update.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17954 | Work Ticket Label Printing: Custom form code using 1 Across Plain template reverts to standard form in Reports folder
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18192 | Work Ticket Transaction Detail Report: Transaction Date filter not applied to work file generation.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18486 | Period End Processing: Hide the Print Period End Reports check box field and the Warring Period end reports have not been printed message.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18484 | WIP Reconciliation Report: Error 20 JT_WIPReconciliationReport_rpt.pvc Line 334 occurs when entering a cutoff date prior to the first transaction date and hot fix 16761 is installed.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18243 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Step text does not copy when copying a template. *Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17949 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Activity code description not defaulting to step description.*Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
15747 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Error 40 JT_WorkTicketStep_bus.pvc 1438 occurs when creating a work ticket from a template with labor and materials quantity fields set to zero. *Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18391 | Work Ticket Printing: Materials from deleted steps should not print on the work ticket form.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18340 | Work Ticket Entry: Dynamic inventory transactions are created incorrectly when a material is issued, data is entered in a new line, and No is selected from the Is this a new Inventory Item Code? message.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18305 | Work Ticket Entry: Dynamic inventory transactions are created incorrectly when a material is issued and then the extended description is modified. *Includes 15590 & 18305
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18264 | Work Ticket Entry: You do not have sufficient rights to perform Material Shortage Report Printing *Review utility instructions
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17680 | Cost Roll-Up Register: Materials overhead cost is not calculated correctly.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18262 | WIP Reconciliation Report: Scrap transactions not included in Cost Recognized. *Includes 18260 & 18262
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18260 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Cost Recognized calculated from Unit Cost and Quantity Completed in PC record rather than using Parent Cost Recognized. *Includes 18260 & 18262
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17608 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Warehouse substitution are not applied to materials transactions. *Includes 17608 & 17633
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18255 | Convert Work Order Data: Common Information decimal precision for cost are not honored when calculating Unit Cost for completion transactions.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18204 | Labor Entry: Qty Completed is not updated to LD records in JT_TransactionHistory.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18204 | Labor Entry: Qty Completed is not updated to LD records in JT_TransactionHistory.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
17633 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: PC record not created when closing a work ticket with costs that were not previously recognized on a completion transaction. *Includes 17608 & 17633
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
16390 | Labor Register: Duplicate In/Out records are created when Set Punch In/Out from Work Ticket Time is selected.
| Sage Production Management | 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
21413 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard or lower of budget/actual for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20365 and 20760
| Sage Production Management | 2019.5 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-5-version-6-10-5-0-0 |
20760 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Incorrect unit and extended cost is posted to various inventory files when a completion and closing are updated for the same work ticket containing a Lot/Serial parent item with a portion of the quantity going to a sub warehouse *Includes 20365 and 21413
| Sage Production Management | 2019.5 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-5-version-6-10-5-0-0 |
20365 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20760 and 21413
| Sage Production Management | 2019.5 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-5-version-6-10-5-0-0 |
19287 | Manual Check and Payment Register: Error 0 SY_ReportCommon.pvc Line 1835 when updating and Hot Fix 1 is installed
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18911 | Item Maintenance: Radio button labels on the Orders tab display incorrectly in the order of Work Ticket, Sales Order, Work Order when Classic is assigned to the Theme Code field in Company Maintenance or User Maintenance for the active company or user.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-0-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18863 | Work Ticket Inquiry: Manually assigned materials budget values are not displaying correctly in Work Ticket Inquiry.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-0-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
17678 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Variable overhead is not included when labor cost is recalculated.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-0-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18734 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Released make for sales order work tickets are excluded from the report after an associated sales order has been fully invoiced and completed.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-0-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18546 | Back Order Fill Report: Data does not display on the report when processed from the Daily Receipt Register/Update and a work ticket step contains a production start date.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.4.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-4-0-version-6-10-4-0-0 |
18745 | Work Ticket Entry: The ReceiptNo and GroupSort fields in IM_ItemCost are updated with a value that is 1 character too big for the fields when issuing a negative FIFO/LIFO material to a work ticket
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18802 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: IM warehouse segment substitution should not be occurring on WIP account for completion transactions when a materials transaction is included in the update. Occurs when hot fix 17608 is installed
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18690 | AP Invoice Register Update: JT_TransactionHistory file is updated with 2 records when hot fix 17555 is installed
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18659 | VI Programs updated to current release level *Includes 18711 and 18659
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18711 | Import Job Maintenance: Resolve compatibility issue with Import Job when DSD Multi-Bin enhancement is installed *Includes 18711 and 18659
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18702 | Import Job Maintenance: Error 80 JT_Template_bus.pvc Line 502 when importing activity codes and work centers into existing templates.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17585 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Warehouse field now properly disabled on the Lines tab in Completion transaction.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18304 | Daily Transaction Register: Work Ticket Number is not included in the comment for JM, JL, and JN Transaction Register sources on the Daily Transaction Register *Includes 18304 and 18371
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18371 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: IM_ItemWarehouse Cost/Qty Calc Commit fields are not cleared for parent items being added to inventory *Includes 18304 and 18371
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17192 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Material Backflush quantity incorrectly calculated when using large quantity numbers due to rounding of Qty Planned to Qty Completed ratio *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15838 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent lot/serial distribution record from being entered when the Scrap check box is set to Yes. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16436 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Enable the Quantity/Issued field for serial and lot item in completion and materials transactions. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17429 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Material Issue Step number is required when selecting item with an extended item description from a work ticket. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18393 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent a positive issue to a serial or lot number with a quantity on hand of zero and a committed qty greater than one. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18499 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent a negative Distribute quantity in the Lot/Serial Number Distribution window when the Issued field on the Lines tab is assigned a positive value. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18500 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Prevent more than one negative issue to be assigned to a single serial number. *Includes 17192, 15838, 16436, 17429, 18393, 18499, and 18500
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17316 | Work Ticket Entry Header: Focus is automatically moving to the Steps tab after selecting Make for Sales Order, sales order number and sales order item.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18245 | Open/History Work Ticket Report: Due Date and Release Date sort options sorts by day only and not full date.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18461 | Work Ticket Entry: De-issuing a lot/serial item is not creating the dynamic inventory transaction when hot fixes 18205 and 18340 are installed. *Includes 18244 & 18461
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18244 | Work Ticket Entry: Error 40 JT_WorkTicketDetail_bus.pvc line 2343 occurs when copying from an open or closed work ticket with a zero quantity planned. *Includes 18244 & 18461
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18192 | Work Ticket Transaction Detail Report: Transaction Date filter not applied to work file generation.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18128 | Convert Work Order Data: Labor hours incorrect when Standard Run Type is Operations per Hour, Operations/Hour is greater than 100, Parent Item Type is Operations/Parent, and Factor is 1. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17507 | Convert Work Order Data: Work Order transaction number is written to AP Invoice No field for converted Work Order outside processing transactions. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16857 | Convert Work Order Data: Records for closed work orders are converted to Production Management tables JT_WorkTicketStep, JT_TransactionHistory, JT_WorkTicketText. *Includes 16857, 17507 & 18128
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17954 | Work Ticket Label Printing: Custom form code using 1 Across Plain template reverts to standard form in Reports folder.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17318 | Inventory Reorder Report: Made Work Ticket and Used Work Ticket labels reversed.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16847 | Purchase Order Entry: Can link miscellaneous item without an inventory account resulting in out of balance posting in the Daily Materials Usage Register/Update.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16203 | Cost Roll-Up Register: Incorrect labor cost is calculated when item code has an associated template and the labor scaling factor causes labor hours to extend beyond 2 decimal places.*Includes 15484 & 16203
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15484 | Cost Roll-up Register: Labor and overhead not honoring Common Information Cost Entries Decimal Precision setting. *Includes 15484 & 16203
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18486 | Period End Processing: Hide the Print Period End Reports check box field and the Warring Period end reports have not been printed message.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18494 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: With hot fix 16761 installed, material costs that occur after the date entered in the Reconcile To field should not display in the Materials field when Future Only is not selected.*Includes 18484 & 18494
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18484 | WIP Reconciliation Report: Error 20 JT_WIPReconciliationReport_rpt.pvc Line 334 occurs when entering a cutoff date prior to the first transaction date and hot fix 16761 is installed. *Includes 18484 & 18494
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18243 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Step text does not copy when copying a template.*Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17949 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Activity code description not defaulting to step description. *Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15747 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Error 40 JT_WorkTicketStep_bus.pvc 1438 occurs when creating a work ticket from a template with labor and materials quantity fields set to zero. *Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
14558 | Work Ticket Template Maintenance: Selecting the PO or Scale check box field without assigning an item code creates a second new row. *Includes 14558, 15747, 17949 & 18243
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version, 2020.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 2020-0-version-6-20-0-1-0 |
18391 | Work Ticket Printing: Materials from deleted steps should not print on the work ticket form.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18340 | Work Ticket Entry: Dynamic inventory transactions are created incorrectly when a material is issued, data is entered in a new line, and No is selected from the Is this a new Inventory Item Code? message.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18305 | Work Ticket Entry: Dynamic inventory transactions are created incorrectly when a material is issued and then the extended description is modified. *Includes 15590 & 18305
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15590 | Work Ticket Entry Dynamic Inventory: Modifying Qty Issued multiple times before saving the work ticket is not creating correct dynamic inventory transactions. *Includes 15590 & 18305
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18264 | Work Ticket Entry: You do not have sufficient rights to perform Material Shortage Report *Review utility instructions
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17680 | Cost Roll-Up Register: Materials overhead cost is not calculated correctly.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18262 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Scrap transactions not included in Cost Recognized.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18260 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Cost Recognized calculated from Unit Cost and Quantity Completed in PC record rather than using Parent Cost Recognized.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18255 | Convert Work Order Data: Common Information decimal precision for cost are not honored when calculating Unit Cost for completion transactions.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
18204 | Labor Entry: Qty Completed is not updated to LD records in JT_TransactionHistory.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17633 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: PC record not created when closing a work ticket with costs that were not previously recognized on a completion transaction.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17608 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Warehouse substitution are not applied to materials transactions.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16390 | Labor Register: Duplicate In/Out records are created when Set Punch In/Out from Work Ticket Time is selected.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17905 | Convert Work Order Data: Work Order Template Labor Hours on step 0000 set to hours of last step
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16421 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/ Update: Error 40 JT_WTTransactionRegister_upd.pvc line 3018 occurs when issuing materials to a work ticket that includes a /C comment item code.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17506 | Convert Work Order Data: Work Order Templates materials from all steps are incorrectly assigned to the last step of the template
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17505 | Convert Work Order Data: Step Description for step 000000 for converted Work Order templates is set to Activity Code Description
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17504 | Convert Work Order Data: Template Steps duplicated during conversion
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17440 | Convert Work Order Data: Lot/Serial items not converted properly when there are two separate transactions for the same material line on the same day
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17336 | Convert Work Order Data: Completion records not converted when the last transaction before the completion is outside processing
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17446 | Recalculate Item History: Does not include Production Management Transactions
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17551 | WIP Reconciliation Report Work File Generation: JT_WIPReconciliationWrk.TotalOthercost populated from JT_WorkTicketHistoryStep.TotalOtherCost
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17555 | Accounts Payable Invoice/Manual Check Register: Direct Cost not updated to JT_WorkTicketHistoryStep.TotalOtherCost or TotalOtherOverheadCost
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17361 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Overhead for serial/lot items is incorrect on journal and values updated to JT_TransactionHistory & JT_TransactionLotSerialHistory when cost precision is greater than 2
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17225 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Standard cost items are updating costs based on costing method and not standard cost
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16841 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Materials overhead amount is calculated incorrectly for distributed materials
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16794 | Work Ticket Transaction Register: Cost not calculated properly when work tickets with different costing methods are in the same register session
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15514 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Parent unit cost recognized in Inventory does not match the parent unit cost calculated by the Work Ticket Transaction Journal and posted to GL
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
15456 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Total Extended Cost is updated incorrectly to inventory when cost precision is set to 4
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17513 | Work Ticket Entry Dynamic Inventory: Overhead for serial/lot items in JT_TransactionLotSerialHistory does not match JT_TransactionHistory.VariableOverheadPortionOfCost when cost precision is greater than 2 and multiple distribution records are created
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17456 | Work Ticket Entry: Premium/SQL Only-Dynamic inventory transactions are only created for linekey 000001 and 000002 when issuing materials
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17344 | WIP Reconciliation Report SQL Only: A duplicate work ticket record is produced for each step of the work ticket
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17329 | Payroll Employee Maintenance: “You cannot delete an employee record if the employee has existing payroll history, earnings history, tax history.” displays when renumbering an employee with payment history
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17481 | Rebuild Sort Files Inventory: Rebuilding the sort files for inventory and answering yes to clear committed quantities is setting the quantity committed value to what has been issued for lot/serial items
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17319 | Rebuild Sort Files: Req for W/T and On W/T calculated incorrect when over issues or over completions exist
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16750 | Work Ticket Entry: Can enter work ticket number in history and replace the history record
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17094 | Work Order Data Conversion: Employee Key in JT_TransactionHistory incorrectly converted when WO Require Departments for Employees = Y and employee numbers are XX-0000000
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17164 | Convert Work Order Data: Serial and lot materials with negative quantity issued not converted correctly to PM
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17291 | Convert Work Order Data: Need to create special item and supporting material/labor/completion transactions when the Retain Transaction Detail is turned off in Work Order Options
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
14902 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry: Error 45 SY_Gridhandler.pvc 3303 when selecting the lines tab in WT Transaction Entry Labor or Material issue
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16761 | Work Ticket WIP Reconciliation Report: Overhead not calculated correctly in work file for parts and labor
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
17046 | Dynamic Inventory: Editing quantity issued value multiple times results in multiple records in JT_WTDetailDynoInventoryWrk, creating incorrect transactions for non-tiered items
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.2 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-2 |
16619 | Labor Register Update: Batch Processing = Y – All Labor entry records moved to history when updating a single batch, sets subsequent batch number to Interrupted
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.1 (Version or, 2019.2.2 (Version or | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-1-version-6-10-2-0-1-or-6-10-2-0-2 2019-2-2-version-6-10-2-0-1-or-6-10-2-0-2 |
15748 | Convert Work Order Data: Work order template text converted incorrectly to TemplateText in JT_Template.M4T. Receive Record has been changed by another user and the changes will not be saved. Message when modifying a value and save the template.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-0-version-6-10-2-0-0 |
15749 | Convert Work Order Data: Set Labor and Materials Scaling Quantity to 1 when Labor/Materials Scaling checkbox is Y.
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-0-version-6-10-2-0-0 |
16044 | Import Job Maintenance: Error 52 VI_ImportJobCompile.pvc line 90 when trying to compile a vi import/export job
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-0-version-6-10-2-0-0 |
15932 | Work Ticket Entry: Error 81 JT_WorkTicket_bus.pvc Line 1284 when auto issuing materials and Limit Materials Auto Issue to Quantity on Hand = Y
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-0-version-6-10-2-0-0 |
15740 | Work Ticket Entry Copy From: Quantity Required fields rounded to 4 decimal places when DSD CIDP (6 decimal precision) mod in place
| Sage Production Management | 2019.2.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-2-0-version-6-10-2-0-0 |
15202 | Work Ticket Transaction Entry Lines: UDF added to grid is not displayed during transaction data entry
| Sage Production Management | 2019.1.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-1-0-version-6-10-1-0-0 |
15541 | Convert Work Order Data: Numeric employee numbers are not converted from work order to production management
| Sage Production Management | 2019.1.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-1-0-version-6-10-1-0-0 |
15161 | Custom Office: Error 12 CM_Utility_LIBUPDATE_UI.pvc line 510 when running Update Panels to Current Level with custom SO screen
| Sage Production Management | 2019.1.0 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-1-0-version-6-10-1-0-0 |
15022 | Convert Work Order Data: Work Orders with a closed status are getting set to release when converted to Production Management
| Sage Production Management | 2019.0.1 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-0-1-version-6-10-0-0-1 |
14657 | Convert Work Order Data: Department number converted to JT_TransactionHistory.EmployeeNo field for Work Order labor transactions
| Sage Production Management | 2019.0.1 (Version | | sage-production-management | 2019-0-1-version-6-10-0-0-1 |
21436 | Work Ticket Transaction Register: Work Ticket Transaction Register hangs when more than 2 completions exist for the same work ticket and that work ticket is linked to another work ticket *Includes 20769, 20800, and 21434
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
21434 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard or lower of budget/actual for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20769, 20800, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
20800 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20769, 21434, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
20769 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Incorrect unit and extended cost is posted to various inventory files when a completion and closing are updated for the same work ticket containing a Lot/Serial parent item with a portion of the quantity going to a sub warehouse *Includes 20800, 21434, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2021.2 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2021-2-version-7-00-2-0-0 |
21436 | Work Ticket Transaction Register: Work Ticket Transaction Register hangs when more than 2 completions exist for the same work ticket and that work ticket is linked to another work ticket *Includes 20769, 20800, and 21434
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
21434 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard or lower of budget/actual for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20769, 20800, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
20800 | Work Ticket Transaction Journal/Update: Updating a completion and closing at standard for a work ticket with previously issued materials has incorrect WIP and variance postings to general ledger *Includes 20769, 21434, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
20769 | Work Ticket Transaction Register/Update: Incorrect unit and extended cost is posted to various inventory files when a completion and closing are updated for the same work ticket containing a Lot/Serial parent item with a portion of the quantity going to a sub warehouse *Includes 20800, 21434, and 21436
| Scanco Multi-Bin for Sage Production Management | 2020.4 (Version | | scanco-multi-bin-for-sage-production-management | 2020-4-version-6-20-4-0-0 |
20035 | Manufacturing EZ Import: Receiving the message You cannot run the Mfg Mobility applications, Production Management must be at level 6.20. when accessing Manufacturing EZ Import when Production Management, Multi Bin, and Mobility for PM+MB are installed. *REQUIRES LOGIN ACCESS
| Mobility for Sage Production Management | 2021.1 (Version 7.0011) | | mobility-for-sage-production-management | 2021-1-version-7-0011 |